Last year students at Chalmers and Gothenburg University get the opportunity to meet with carefully selected companies in an exclusive, relaxed and professional setting focused on Trainee-services and your career after your examination.
What's a trainee anyway?
As a trainee you are enrolled in a company's trainee program. This program usually consists of a career boost where the trainee gets to try out a bunch of different roles with full pay at that company. The duration of a trainee position is usually in the range of between 6-18 months, and often combined with international possibilities.
.... is back!
5th of November

So far, this fair is for last year students, 3rd or 5th year. If you are not currently in your last year of your studies, you'll have to wait a bit longer. This limitation however, makes it possible to create a more exclusive environment where student and companies are properly matched to guarantee everyones satisfaction!
Who can attend?

Exhibitors of the 2023 edition

Contact Aron, our project leader and COO, if you have questions!
Phone: 031 772 39 42